

硅橡膠機械 液態硅膠機 硅膠設備 奶嘴機 液態硅膠注射成型機 硅膠注塑機 液態硅膠模具 液態硅膠制品;硅橡膠機械,液態硅膠設備,硅膠成型機,硅膠設備,奶嘴機,液態硅膠注射成型機、液態硅膠模具、液態硅膠制品

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產品/服務: 瀏覽次數:382臥式硅膠機 
型 號: FKW-90 
規 格: 見圖 
品 牌: 德標機械 
單 價: 220000.00元/臺 
起訂量: 1 臺 
供貨總量: 50 臺
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 30 天內發貨
更新日期: 2015-06-18  有效期至:長期有效
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 產品型號:  FKW-90
 產品規格:  見圖
 產品品牌:  德標機械
德標機械 www.db168.cn 汪明:13092713455 產品性能特點 1.新五點式斜絞設計,大開模行程,大四柱空間; 2.高性能合金鋼拉桿,系統度大,受力均衡; 3.主機先進電腦控制系統,大屏幕中英文顯示,自我故障判斷,新自動報警設定功能; 4適合于生產普通硅膠制品,自動脫模硅膠產品,包括:用品、醫療用品、密封件用品等。

Product performance characteristics:
Precision liquid silicone, cold runner mold, for the production of liquid silicone products to provide more high quality, more efficient, more life, more economical production cost.
The full range of the Italian high ring permanent magnet synchronous motor, hydraulic to establish rapid response time, the match of the power output mechanism of the flow and the executive body of the flow, no pressure throttling loss.
K type static mixer A/B two component liquid silicone fully mixed, to provide better quality assurance for the production of products.
The international famous brand development, the proportion of oil pump valve, solenoid valve, hydraulic parts, hydraulic control function is good.
A new computer control system, parameter setting, electronic scale monitoring of the various actions, machine operation to achieve the reliability, stability and precision.
Pump and pump developed can realize high precision A/B with the ratio of 1:1 feed feeding function.

  •    鄂 州市德標機械有限公司(前生鄂州市樊口塑料機械廠)創立于1994年,位于長江中游南部一鄂州,西接“九省通衢”的武漢,東連“礦冶之城”的黃石,北望黃 岡,南通咸寧,地理位置得天獨厚,交通便利快捷,是鄂東南專門從事設計,制造液態硅膠注射成型機械的生產廠家,我廠生產的各種機械,以優良品質, 的結構,和真誠的服務,贏得客戶的認可,產品行銷遍及中國大陸,東南亞,中東等主要工業國家。
  • Ezhou Debiao Machinery Co. Ltd. (the former Ezhou Fankou Plastic Machinery Factory) was founded in 1994, is located in Ezhou south of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, west of "nine provinces" Wuhan, East "and" the city of Huangshi, North Huanggang, Nantong, Xianning, unique geographical location, convenient transportation fast, is the only Southeast Hubei specializing in the design, manufacture of liquid silicone injection molding machine manufacturers, all kinds of mechanical production plant, with excellent quality, perfect structure, and sincere service, to win customer recognition, product marketing throughout the China mainland, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other major industrial countries.
  • 公司生產LSR液體硅橡膠(矽膠)注射成型機,多年以來,得到客戶熱心支持與幫助,使我們集累了較為豐富的實踐經驗,不斷完善技術與工藝,依需要量身訂做、開發新品種。
  • The company production of LSR liquid silicone rubber (silicone) injection molding machine, over the years, customers get enthusiastic support and help, we accumulated abundant practical experience, and constantly improve the technology and process, according to the needs, tailored to develop new varieties.
  • 卓越的性能、過硬的質量、穩定的價格。
  • Excellent performance, excellent quality, stable price.
  • 不斷的發展,堅持誠信為本
  • The unceasing development, insist on honesty

  • 快速響應服務體系保障,讓您無后顧之憂
  • Quick response service guarantee system, let you no worries
  • 設備到貨一個月內,如果由于設備質量的原因造成客戶不能正常生產,可以選擇退貨,我方退回貨款;
  • 設備退還我方;三個月內客戶對質量不滿意的,可以要求換機,換機費用由我方承擔;
  • The arrival of the equipment within a month, if due to the quality of the equipment caused by customers 
  • can not normal production, we can choose to return, we return the purchase price;
  • Equipment returned to us 
  • within three months; the customer is not satisfied with the quality, can require replacement, replacement costs borne by us;
  • 設備到貨保修一年一年內如有電話不能溝通解決的問題,我方人員48小時內到達現場處理;
  • The arrival of the equipment within one year of the year, such as the phone can not communicate to solve 
  • the problem, our personnel arrived at the scene within 48 hours;
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