湖州美典新材料有限公司座落在美麗的太湖南岸——魚米之鄉“湖州”。是一家新崛起的高科技民營企業,具有較大的技術力量和先進的設備。我公司生產的塑木新材具有防腐防潮、防霉變、蟲蛀、環保,且能 回收再利;公司新近開發的環保塑木系列產品:花箱、休閑戶外座椅,戶外棧道,樓梯扶手,推出后深受市場歡迎。
1 、材料密度高、強度高、清潔、美觀,使用壽命是普通木制產品的10倍,產品 可回收再利用;
2 、耐酸堿腐蝕、不吸水、無蟲蛀、不長真菌、不繁殖細菌,可露天使用;
3 、二次加工性好 , 可鋸、可釘、可鉆、可刨、表面免刷漆 , 產品形狀、尺寸可根據用戶的要求調整。
A Brief Introduction
Huzhou Meidian New Garden Furniture CO. LTD is located in HuZhou China------ south of Tai Lake. We are a new corporation using advanced equipment and technology. All our products are resistant to damaging effects of weather. Our products help contribute to a cleaner and more beautiful environment. Meidian takes pride in using recycled materials to produce its products. If you choose to use our products, the world will be cleaner, resources will be saved and our environment will be more beautiful.
Meidian products will beautify your home
Used in gardens or some other places:
Flower boxes, outside sitting chairs, handrails of paths or stairs and so on.
Used in buildings and other structures:
Floors or decks, fences, molding board, handrails, rims of doors or windows and so on.
Used in house decorating: Decorative molding, floor coverings, curtain rods and so on.
Plastic-wood chairs
The chairs are made of plastic-wood materials, supported with steel brackets. Our chairs are resistant to weathering. There is no need to paint our products.