

工程塑料 通用塑料 熱固性塑料 熱塑彈性體 ABS PPE PPO PBT POM EVA PP EAA

東莞千泰塑膠原料有限公司主要經營耐高溫PA66料,耐磨POM料,TPU包膠料,PA66加纖阻燃,耐高溫PBT料,PC耐高溫料. 可提供原料:ROHS(SGS)報告,UL認證,FDA認證,材質證明及物質安全資料表(MSDS)。具有相當規模的現代化中外合資企業,產品絕大部分外銷及為國內外廠家提供高品質產品,深受國內外客戶好評歡迎來電咨詢:15818465693 0769-33214396 QQ:275158775
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.PA11 L935.┼
產品/服務: 瀏覽次數:29.PA11 L935.┼ 
型 號: 齊全 
規 格: 25 
品 牌: 進口 
單 價: 電議/面議 
起訂量: 25 KG 
供貨總量: 11111100 KG
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內發貨
更新日期: 2017-11-08  有效期至:長期有效
聯 系 人: 周偉 (先生)

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 產品型號:  齊全
 產品規格:  25
 產品品牌:  進口
15818465693 周生(經理) 0769-33214396 千泰塑膠 質量保證,原產原包,提供SGS,UL黃卡,COA,出廠認證報告
.PA11 L935.┼Long term supply of PA66 has a high melting point in polyamide materials. In product design, a PA66 contraction rate is between 1%~2%. Now on the market circulation of many disposable nozzle by modification of the same material can reach the original material, but the price is relatively cheaper than raw materials, so as to give our customers a lot of cost saving. United States liquid nitrogen RF-7007, RL4540 DuPont 101F, 101F-NC010, 101L, 101L-BKB009, 101L-NC010, 1032L, 103F, NC010, 103FHS, 103HSL, 10B, 10B40, 11C40-BK, 13T1, BK, 122L3426408HS, 450HSL NC010, 45SHB NC, 490, 408L, 45054G15HSLR, BK031 5514 0G13HS1-L, 70G13HS1L, NC010, 70G13L, 70G13SH1L, BK, 70G20HSL, 70G25HSL, 70G25HSLR-BK099, 70G30HSLR, 70G33HS1-L,, 70G33HS1L-NC010, 70G33HSIL (BK), 70G33HSIL (NC), 70G33L, ABS surface pretreatment, in order to improve the adhesion of the coating on the plastic surface and improve the appearance of plastics, the plastic surface must be pre treated before painting. (1) when annealed plastic ABS is formed, it is easy to form internal stress, and the stress concentration place is easy to crack after coating. Annealing or whole face treatment can be used to eliminate stress. Annealing treatment is to ABS plastic molding parts heating to thermal deformation temperature below, that is, 60 degrees, insulation 2h. In order to reduce the investment of the equipment, the whole surface treatment can be adopted to improve the surface condition. The recipe and process of the whole treatment are listed in table 1. Table 1 the entire surface treatment project formulation and process parameters / 1 / 3 / C water temperature at room temperature the processing time of /mi15 - 20 (2) in addition to oil ABS plastic surface often Zhanyou oil, hand sweat and release agent, it will make the paint poor adhesion, coating cracking, blistering and shedding. Degreasing treatment should be done before painting. The ABS plastic parts are usually cleaned with gasoline or alcohol, and then chemically removed. The recipe is listed in table 2. Table 2 degreasing process formula and process parameters of sodium hydroxide (S/L) Project 50 ~ 70 sodium phosphate (S/L) 20 ~ 30 sodium carbonate (S/L) from 10 to 20 surfactant (S/L) 5 ~ 10 / 50 ~ 60 DEG C temperature processing time /min10 to thoroughly clean the residual lye surface chemical oil 15 Zui, and pure water after the clean, dry or drying. (3) in addition to electricity and dust removal, plastic products are insulators, surface resistance is generally around 1013, easy to generate static electricity. After electrification, it is easy to absorb small dust in the air and adhere to the surface. It is very difficult to remove dust by electrostatic adsorption by general blowing method. The effect of using high pressure ionized air flow and removing dust at the same time is better. TPV thermoplastic three yuan ethylene propylene dynamic vulcanization elastomer / rubber main performance: TPV, easy to weld, reusable, environmental protection, non-toxic. The main features of three TPV thermoplastic dynamic vulcanization elastomer / EPDM rubber: 1, excellent aging resistance and good weather resistance, heat resistance; 2, excellent anti deformation performance of Yong for a long time; 3, good tensile strength, high toughness and high elasticity; 4, and excellent environmental performance can be used repeatedly; 5, excellent electrical insulation properties; 6, hardness range; 7, using temperature range; 8, color variety, are completely transparent, translucent, light color series, easy coloring, easy to process; 9, with PP, PA, PC, ABS, PS, PBT, and PET a variety of materials such as co injection or extrusion molding. TPV 8221-60, TPV 203-50, TPV, 281-45MED, TPV, 281-55MED, TPV, 281-64MED, TPV, 281-73MED

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