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Celanese Thermx CG923 PCT 美國杜邦
產品/服務: 瀏覽次數:1040PCT 
型 號: CG923 BK010 
規 格: PCT 
品 牌: 美國杜邦 
單 價: 36.00元/KG 
起訂量: 25 KG 
供貨總量: 4000 KG
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 1 天內發貨
更新日期: 2019-09-17  有效期至:長期有效
聯 系 人: 李厚佳 (先生)

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 產品型號:  CG923 BK010
 產品規格:  PCT
 產品品牌:  美國杜邦
美國杜邦 PCT Celanese Thermx CG923 BK010  20%玻璃纖維增強,阻燃,黑色
美國杜邦 PCT Celanese Thermx CG923 NC010  20%玻璃纖維增強,阻燃.
美國杜邦 PCT Celanese Thermx CG933 BK010  30%玻璃纖維、阻燃、黑色
美國杜邦 PCT Celanese Thermx CG933 BK010T  30%玻璃纖維、阻燃、
美國杜邦 PCT Celanese Thermx CG943 BK010  40%玻璃纖維增強,阻燃、黑色
美國杜邦 PCT Celanese Thermx CG943 NC010T  40%玻璃纖維增強,
美國杜邦 PCT Celanese Thermx CGT33 BK010T  30%玻璃纖維增強,黑色鋼化,
美國杜邦 PCT Celanese Thermx CGT33 NC010  30%玻璃纖維增強,
美國杜邦 PCT Celanese Thermx TE1001 BK010  40%玻璃纖維增強,黑色
美國杜邦 PCT Celanese Thermx TE3002 BK010  30%玻璃纖維增強,阻燃,黑色的高性能聚酯樹脂注塑。
Celanese Thermx? CG923 NC010 PCT
Categories: PolymerThermoplasticPolyester, TPPolycyclohexylenedimethylene Terephthalate (PCT)Polycyclohexylenedimethylene Terephthalate (PCT), 20% Glass Reinforced
Material Notes: Thermx? CG923 NC010 is a 20% glass fiber reinforced, flame retardant polycyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate resin for injection molding.

Celenese acquired the Thermx product line from DuPont in 2010.

Vendors: Celanese Corporation (Ticona) is a solutions-driven company that uses advanced polymer technology to produce high performance plastic materials that are used in a wide spectrum of applications - from children's toys to industrial gears, from tiny optical components to large automotive body parts.

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Physical Properties Metric English Comments
Density  1.57 g/cc 0.0567 lb/in3 ISO 1183
Filler Content  20 % 20 %
Mechanical Properties Metric English Comments
Tensile Strength at Break  100 MPa 14500 psi ISO 527
Elongation at Break  1.8 % 1.8 % ISO 527
Tensile Modulus  8.00 GPa
@Temperature 23.0 °C
1160 ksi
@Temperature 73.4 °F
ISO 527
Flexural Strength  145 MPa 21000 psi ISO 178
Flexural Modulus  7.20 GPa 1040 ksi ISO 178
Izod Impact, Notched (ISO)  5.00 kJ/m2
@Temperature 23.0 °C
2.38 ft-lb/in2
@Temperature 73.4 °F
ISO 180/1A
Charpy Impact Unnotched  3.00 J/cm2
@Temperature 23.0 °C
14.3 ft-lb/in2
@Temperature 73.4 °F
ISO 179/1eU
Charpy Impact, Notched  0.500 J/cm2
@Temperature 23.0 °C
2.38 ft-lb/in2
@Temperature 73.4 °F
ISO 179/1eA
Thermal Properties Metric English Comments
Melting Point  285 °C 545 °F 10°C/min; ISO 11357-1/-3
Deflection Temperature at 1.8 MPa (264 psi)  235 °C 455 °F ISO 75-1/-2
UL RTI, Electrical   150 °C
@Thickness 3.00 mm
302 °F
@Thickness 0.118 in
UL 746B
  150 °C
@Thickness 1.50 mm
302 °F
@Thickness 0.0591 in
UL 746B
UL RTI, Mechanical without Impact   130 °C
@Thickness 1.50 mm
266 °F
@Thickness 0.0591 in
UL 746B
  130 °C
@Thickness 3.00 mm
266 °F
@Thickness 0.118 in
UL 746B
Flammability, UL94   V-0
@Thickness 1.50 mm
@Thickness 0.0591 in
IEC 60695-11-10
@Thickness 1.50 mm
@Thickness 0.0591 in
@Thickness 3.00 mm
@Thickness 0.118 in
IEC 60695-11-10
@Thickness 3.00 mm
@Thickness 0.118 in
Processing Properties Metric English Comments
Melt Temperature  300 °C 572 °F Optimum
  295 - 310 °C 563 - 590 °F
Mold Temperature  100 °C 212 °F Optimum
  80.0 - 120 °C 176 - 248 °F
Drying Temperature  95.0 °C 203 °F
Dry Time  4 - 6 hour 4 - 6 hour Dehumidified Dryer
Moisture Content  <= 0.030 % <= 0.030 %
Descriptive Properties
Color Natural
Drying Recommended Yes
Filler Glass Reinforced
Forms Pellets
Generic PCT
Part Marking Code >PCT-GF20FR(17)< ISO 11469
Polymer Family Polyester
Polymer Type PCT
Processing Method Injection Molding
Product Category Electrical Resins
  Flame Retardant Resins
  Glass Reinforced Resins
Region Available Americas
Resin Identification PCT-GF20FR(17) ISO 1043
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