上海意瑞(InnoVtorY)裝飾材料有限公司(莫克封邊條)成立于2008年,我們致力于開發創新新的塑料制品,經過7年的發展,莫克已成為塑料型材,塑料家具裝飾材料(卷簾門和家具封邊)及一些特殊要求的塑料制品國內外客戶的合作者。在公司10余年的發展中,意瑞公司堅持以創新為核心,品質為基礎,服務為向導為客戶快速解決及提供高品質及高性價比的產品。我們通過嚴格的質量控制和高產品的安全性為指導來確保我們的產品符合客戶及市場的需求和要求。意瑞一直以創新(Innovatory)為核心,質量(quality)和服務(Service)為基石作為公司的發展指導,來與客戶建立長期穩定的合作關系和聯盟。 Shanghai Yirui Decoration Materials Co., Ltd. was established in 2008. We have devoted ourselves to developing new plastic products for seven years. YIRUI has become an outstanding partner of famous companies in China, providing plastic furniture decoration materials (Rolling Shutters and Furniture Edge Bands) and some plastic products of special requirements of customers at home and abroad. YIRUI develops new products and utilizes new technology. We have been in the forefron... [