商鋪:http://ahjyjcgs.com/b-baofengsj/ 地址:廣東省汕頭市汕樟路
廣東寶豐塑膠工業有限公司是一家專業生產.經營塑膠地板(地板革.發泡地板革. 商用地板.運動地板.發泡膠布及貼合夾網印花膠布等)的外商獨資企業。目前擁有進口的壓延生產線三條.發泡生產線三條.印花機三臺.貼合機兩臺等配套生產設備,每年生產能力可達3.5萬噸,5千萬平方米。企業于2001年已通過I S O 9001 —— 2000認證。
前幾年,由于同類生產企業的迅速增加,市場競爭非常激烈,企業一度面臨很大的困境。公司經營者審時度勢,作出了“強化質量,樹立品牌,開拓市場,持續發展”的決策,在全體員工的共同努力下,采取“走出去”——參加國際相關博覽會,擴大企業產品知名度;“引進來: ——通過廣告宣傳.充實網絡資訊,吸引客戶上門等積極進取方法,終于打開了國外市場,產品暢銷東南亞.中東.非洲等地區,扭轉了生產經營上的困境,邁上了持續發展的軌道。我司在市場上一直占有一定優勢的主商標“ B G ”獲評為“廣東省著名商標”,在國內同類產品市場上仍然是一家較有影響的企業,是汕頭塑膠行業商會的副會長單位及廣東省塑料工業協會的常務理事單位。
Guangdong Baofeng Plastics Industry Co., Ltd. Is a foreign-investment company, manufacturing and handling PVC flooring, Expansible PVC flooring (Including flooring for commerce and athletics), and Expansible PVC colloidal cloth, PVC tarpaulin etc. At present, we possesses three sets of imported plastic calender, three sets of forming machine, three sets of printing machine and two sets of laminating machine etc.with a capacity of 35,000metric tons(50million square meters)Also, the company obtained the ISO9001-2000 certificate in 2001.
In the last few years, many manufacturers in the industry emerged rapidly
with a result of striking competition in the market, which once drove the company
in a bind. The operators of the company, yet, sizing up the situation, knocked
out a big decision of “Focusing on quality, Building up brand, Exploring
the market and Continual Development”. Through some innovation such as “Going Out”-participating some related international fairs as to introducing the company itself; “Guiding In”- attracting buyers by advertising and propaganda and enriching network information, the company has successfully paved its way to the market abroad. The products have found a ready market in Southeast Asia, Middle-east, and Africa etc. As a result, the company has reversed the tide in the operation, and
returned to the normal developing track. Our brand “BG”, awarded “GUANGDONG NOTABLE BRAND”, has enjoyed some portion in the market. As both of the vice chairman unit of the Shantou Plastic Chamber of Commerce, and the standing director unit of the Guangdong Plastic Industry Association, the company is still a influential enterprise in the market of the trade.
The company has always insisted on the tenet: Obtaining the reputation from the market by the stable quality; Attracting the market by its reasonable price; Satisfying the clients by punctuality and speed; Affecting the clients by the considerate service.