


   德國Engel(恩格爾)電機股份有限公司成立于1923年,德國西部城市威斯巴登。60年代初期,Engel公司主要生產永磁直流電機,到80年代中 期,公司開始致力于三相同步電機的研究與生產。Engel產品主要有:三相同步電機、直流電機、異步電機以及伺服控制器等,廣泛用于汽車、機械、紡織、印 刷等行業。此外,Engel公司還擅長按照客戶要求,定制特殊規格的電機。 

全部型號   BSR系列三相同步電機:    BSR2620;BSR2650;BSR2685;BSR3750;BSR3790;BSR37130;BSR4890;BSR48130;BSR48170;BSR63130;BSR63200;BSM1240;BSM1650;BSM2275;BSM28120;BSM43120;BSK2445;BSK2475;BSK3060;BSK30120;BSK4560;BSK45120;   

GNM系列直流電機:    GNM2130;GNM2145;GNM2636;GNM2670;GNM3125;GNM3150;GNM3175;GNM4125;GNM4150;GNM4175;GNM5440;GNM5480;GNM62100;GNM7045;GNM7085;GNM70130;GNM8035/4;GNM8070 /4;GNHM3250;GNHM4260;  

異步電機:   D2965/2;ES2965/2;D4535/2;D4535/4;ES4535/2;ES4535/4;

伺服控制器:   DSV324;DSV562E;ARS310/5;ARS310/10;ARS560/2.5;ARS560/5;ARS560

   恩格爾機械(上海)有限公司(英文縮寫EMCN,以下簡稱本公司)是恩格爾集團中國投資的奧地利獨資公 司. 奧地利恩格爾公司是全球領先的單一自主品牌注塑機制造商。從事制造生產各種注塑機及塑料模具。能一攬子提供塑料加工所需要的技術模塊:包括適用于熱塑性彈 性體的注塑機,模具和自動化系統。即使單個部件生產單元也極具競爭力,并有良好的銷售業績。恩格爾公司擁有八個生產工廠,分布在歐洲,亞洲(韓國 /Pyungtaek,中國/上海) 和美國/York等地 。子公司遍布20多個國家,代表處分布在全球70多個國家。恩格爾公司提供最好的產品,最大的全球支援幫助客戶提升競爭力,利用新技術和前沿的生產體系取 得成功。本公司恩格爾集團是在全球的第八個工廠。擁有超過8,000 平方米的廠房專供DUO系列大型注塑機的零件制造和組裝. 1000平方米現代化辦公室為銷售, 售后服務和培訓提供充分的空間. 作為恩格爾產品平臺戰略的重要組成部分, 上海的大型注塑機工廠將生產與現有的奧地利St. Valentin工廠, 美國賓夕法尼亞York工廠同樣的機器. "恩格爾上海制造"的DUO系列產品一如既往地完全遵照"恩格爾奧地利制造" 或"恩格爾北美制造"的技術和質量標準。

         Engel Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (also know as EMCN) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Austria ENGEL Holding GmbH (website: www.engelglobal.com). The Engel brand denotes the world’s biggest manufacturer of injection moulding machines and, at the same time, one of the world’s leading plastics processing machine manufacturers. Today, the Engel Group offers its customers a single-source for a full range of plastics processing technology modules for: injection moulding machines for thermoplastics and elastomers, moulds and automation, with the assurance that individual components are competitive and successful on world markets. With eight production plants in Europe, Asia (China, Korea) and America, subsidiaries in 20 countries, and representatives in over 70 countries, Engel offers its customers the best-of-breed, global support they need to compete and succeed with new technologies, and leading-edge production systems. EMCN is the eighth production facility of ENGEL group all over the world. EMCN has a production floor space of over 8 000 m² for the manufacturing and assembly of machine components for the large-scale Duo series in Shanghai. 1000 m2 of modern offices provide ample space for sales, service and training. The Shanghai factory for large-scale machines can thus be viewed as a vital part of the ENGEL production platform strategy, and will be producing the same machines as the existing works in St. Valentin (Austria) and York/Pennsylvania (USA). An ENGEL DUO "made by Engel Shanghai" guarantees exactly the same technological and quality standards as a DUO "made by Engel Austria" or "made by Engel North America".